Sunday, 29 November 2009

Our house plant

This is our beautiful new houseplant- John has brought it indoors for the winter and it just sprang into life! I think we have had this about five years and I plan to take some cuttings if anybody wants one. Does anybody know what it is called?
After meeting Tony Hall from 'School of Everything' I have rethought this blog. His advice was to take photos and write the narrative around them. He said not to worry how bad or good the photos are but to keep the blog, forget the dates and just concentrate on the experience and see what emerges from it! By the way I had a £15 lesson and I think it was one of the best lessons I have ever had in anything. He gave me clarity in thinking what this blog is actually for and who is reading it.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Hairdressing at Tower Hamlets College

In keeping with the theme of the blog and its economical ethos (trying to keep to this) I had my hair cut wonderfully by Lara at Tower Hamlets College student night.
£5.50 with free tea thrown in- only problem is you are sitting in the chair for three hours. Its a pain until I remember I used to have three periods of dialysis every week lasting at least four hours. So no moaning if you want to save money.
Lara was great- I thought at first she did not like me. Then when the session ended she told me a terrific Russian joke. And I told her one of mine. The joke needs to be heard not read so ask me to tell this one.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

16th November 2009

'Men who stare at Goats' John decided to see this and I went along- the recommendation from Una was a factor too. Genesis at Mile End. How do they make a profit? 8 of us in the audience- including 4 young men who talked and answered their mobiles. I asked them to be quiet, they then left! John liked the film, I am not sure I understood what it was all about.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

14thSeptember 2009

' News from Nowhere' inspired my blog. Its motto on Fellowship as demonstrated in the club which meets monthly in Leyton. Its sort of idealistic, William Morris inspired- a cross between homespun folksy things,, cycling and sort of socialist societies and the co-op fifties style. Our talk last night was about Paul Robeson and the hall was jammed packed with predominantly middle aged people- mostly from around Leyton.
I think we will try to go every month- the topics are interesting as are the people who go there

Friday, 13 November 2009

12th November 2009

Stratford library show free films once a fortnight- very friendly staff and sometimes tea and coffee- we saw 'The Secret life of Bees' which we enjoyed tremendously and found very moving. Very stereotypical as all the blacks were good and all the whites horrible- except for the central character who was... yes, white and pretty. But we sobbed through it.

This was preceded by very ugly violent scenes in Stratford market with lots of tension. I think someone was arrested for shoplifting, then crowds began to gather and it seemed like the whole of London's police force arrived to quell the very hyped up atmosphere.

I walked through Spitalfields market on my way home. The Shopping Mall -aka old market was full and busy- loads of celebs and attention seekers had gathered to have their photos taken for a sleep out night. This is an annual event where people 'pretend' to empathise with the 'homeless' by sleeping in the open. It looked like a good time was being had- the press and radio were there, the participants in a giant cage, presumably for their protection, and music made the whole thing seem like a party atmosphere. Oh and of course, Spitalfields market is entirely covered and protected from the wind and rain.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

11th November 2009

I cooked lamb tagine for the Alpha course- made for 35 but only 25 came so the fridge and freezer are overflowing as there was no time to pack food up for others. Ate far too much of Susan's fantastic chocolate cake.
The photo is of Neil who helps out with the service and is one of the other cooks

Sunday, 8 November 2009

8th November 2009

We had a great time seeing Brachetti the illusionist. Then we went to 'The StockPot' in Panton street which I thought was mediocre food but a back street almost Hopper atmosphere. Very good and we sat in booths which for some reason I love.

I am having trouble putting the link in but you can get an idea of the show on utube

November 7th 2009

St Ethelburgas in Bishopsgate holds regular concerts of world music and on Friday I went to hear singers from Georgia - a mountainous region of the old USSR that I always associate with playing West Ham (Tiblisi) and the birthplace of Stalin.

I hoped to hear some of the Orthodox liturgy but not to much of that- instead they sung the songs of remote villages. One was sung by men, who would sing the 'Christ is Risen' chant at Easter, knocking on all the doors in these remote places. The evening was hosted as usual by Wallee- a friend of mine and John's.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

4th November

The first meeting I had been to if the christian course Alpha. It is run by Christchurch Spitalfields. I am cooking next week and wanted to see how the food was served and hoping that it was not that good. Andy Rider spoke brilliantly about his relationship with God and prayer- and although I am very sceptical I enjoyed the evening and met some really interesting people and ate some lovely food. I am actually a bit scared as next week I am cooking and I am scared m food will not be as good!

As I woke this morning the news was of 5 soldiers killed in Hellman province. At the same time we heard about the MPs complaining that they will no longer be able to milk the expenses system quite as much as they used to. I have the horrible feeling that these MPs are not worth fighting for and this corrupt system they are running is not worth dying for.

3rd September 2009

Guy Fawkes night for us here. We invited our friends from Pathway- part of Christ Church Spitalfields

Before that picked up the designs and bags for 'Dilly Dally' from Anne- Marie and Frank Creber at Bromley by Bow Centre, Very Pleased with them.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

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2nd November 2009

Took a friend to a mass on All Souls Day. We heard the chant of 'Remember thou art dust and to dust thou will return'. Not terrifying but comforting and gives a sense of perspective as we run about like headless chickens - mostly achieving very little of significance. We come back then to the Saint's 'Little Way' so very simple.

We saw too the new Oxford Circus, perhaps an example of a 'Little Way' Remove the railings and let people cross diagonally and the whole area is transformed. It looked much better and I realise was not easily achieved. But it is a simple idea:

Sunday, 1 November 2009

30th October 2009

Well on the Eve of All Saints Day I went to All Saints Margaret Street. The service was spectacular, although my view was not good. I had got there late as there had been a tube malfunction and traffic hold up on the buses and panic attacks ensued. But just in time to hear the psalms wonderfully sung- the altar party seemed to number hundreds, the sermon good, the setting sublime. As usual as I confidently predicted to a friend my old mantra proved spot in:The posher the church, the meaner the food. But I wanted to get home to cook for John.

Coming home I met the usual ghouls and ghosts- and snapped a couple in Spitalfields Market and they snapped me back