Monday, 20 February 2012

The Banner

This is the new large banner that can be bought from Spitalfields market on the Heba stall.
It is made of thick canvas and the branches are of leather. The motifs at the end of the branches are covered in see through plastic and the idea is to put family or school photos in the pockets. It is priced at £80 and can be seen at Spitalfields market by Montezumas chocolate shop or phone Anjum or Anne at Heba in Brick Lane

The new London Hospital

This is the view from the 13th floor where my friend is a patient. brand spanking new, in debt up to its eyeballs, miles of long corridor, separate entrances to the wards for staff and patients and relatives. It seemed a very scary place, not on a human scale at all.  The single rooms are quiet, air conditioned with fridges but no TV or radio- it felt very lonely indeed. The view from the rooms is brilliant but the windows are too high to see if you are in bed.  

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Turning 60

It's not a good feeling as I turn 60.  Now viewed as old when inside I feel incredibly childish. 
And learning all the things I missed out on when I was a child-
Missing my sister but learning to apreciate the great family I have around me. And my friends.

And the NHS which  have never given up on me.  The birthday card that arrived in my birthday was...
an invitation to take a bowel cancer test. And I think everyone gets this too.  wonder if I will ever get a card from King William if I make 100.  I am not sure I want to..

'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'

This is a great film.  John and I went- mainly because of free ticketsfrom 'The Times'.
I loathe this venue- hate the Greenwich Peninsula with its chain restaurants and lack of any individuallity- but the cinema in the Dome is very comfortable. The film for me has everything that I am interested in- location of the city, experienceof childhood and trying to see the world through the eyes of an autistic child.   And the themee of loss and how to come to terms with it. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Quiz night with two of 'The Chasers'

Shaun Wallace and Paul Sinha chaps were very gracious and posed for me as I am sure some people do not believe me when I tell them about how brilliant it is to be part of the Quiz League of London and meet some really great people

Theatre Royal Stratford

The tatty safety curtain close up
The dismal view from the theatre

Anyone can join and help the theatre increase its audience and come to life.  Many of my friends are involved with this - I joined them on a tour of the theatre- very fascinating and many of the people who work there are actual east enders- very rare in London. There is a choir attached to the theatre and loads of events leading to the cultural Olympics so it's a good time to get involved

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

St Joseph's Hospice jumble advance dates

31st March – Jumble Sale 10.00-13.00

16th June – Summer Fete 12.00-15.00

8th September – Jumble Sale 10.00-13.00

17th November – Christmas Bazaar 12.00-15.00

The best ones are Summer and Christmas but all pretty good.  One of the volunteers is sorting me out some sewing patterns and craft books