Thursday, 30 May 2013

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Spring has arrived at last

This is the view from our living room window

Julie Bailey- campaigner and cafe owner and cook

with Julie in her cafe
While up again in Staffordshire I decided to make a special trip to see if I could meet someone I have long admired.  Julie Bailey began the 'Cure the NHS' campaign from her café in Stafford.  She did this in response to the terrible death of her mother and was a response to the ill treatment of patients in the hospital- this occurred over several years and resulted in hundreds of people dying prematurely and in great distress.

As you can see reported by the papers, Julie is constantly harassed by people whose vested interests have made them hate her and to some she is a pariah in her home town.
Although very busy in her café, she cooked me a great cottage pie and I was lucky enough to have dinner with her. She has promised to meet up in London and I am hoping she will make a new life as a public speaker or campaigner and have some peace and recognition in her life. These are times when I wished I was influential and knew people who could help.


latest productions

In case everybody thinks I have forgotten my blog- well it is true that I have not been on the computer so much recently. My machine has been pounding away and the seam ripper worn to a finer point.  The friends have been round and I have been given a lot of 'new' material. Jasmin's old curtains and Anne's black trousers have made these ladybird cushions.  As  fast as we make them then they find a new home but I am hoping to have some to sell at The Barbican this year