Sunday, 13 December 2009

Dine in offers

Its payback time... greed got the better of me and I succumbed to the offers.
Going down to Moorgate with my tartan shopping trolley, bright red coat on against the freezing wind I walked the twenty minutes trot to Moorgate M and S. Stoked up on the brilliant £10 offer and then up the escalator and out in record time... until
The trolley was so full I got stuck at the top. For an age I was trapped a the top scrambling to lift the trolley and stay upright- my legs going like a hamster on a wheel. I fell of course, and was humiliated as a man struggled to help me up, smiling at me encouragingly as he bucked under my weight. I got to upright position, with his help and was besieged by a security guard with a wheelchair and the store manager. She wanted to know if I was OK and what had happened. I did assure her it was the store's fault- if they did not run these generous offers then I would not have overloaded the trolley! I beat a hasty retreat, rushed home, John put the ghastly booty away and I had a bath to sooth my badly bruised body. History is repeating itself- my late mother broke her arm once when she slipped in the snow after a desperate visit to Tescos to save 10pence on four pints of milk!

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