Thursday, 15 July 2010

Lush 'exhibition' about perfumes

This was such a fun time. Lush products were explaining their new perfumes and how they were developed. The basement of Shoreditch Town Hall was turned into a labyrinth of sets where the people from Lush explained the stories of each perfume.
The picture shows Heather, so friendly and beautiful- she looked like she had emerged from a film set, well she told us the story of her perfume 'The Hairdressers Husband' and how it inspired the fragrance named after the film.
The dancer showed us the Taca Taca dance and the story of the perfume- named of course ....
This was one of the most imaginative intelligent exhibitions I have ever seen. Needless to say a few quid was spent at the inevitable shop at the end... but the show was free and was actually worth charging for. So try to see it- it closes on Sunday

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