Friday, 8 April 2011

Jewish East End Celebration Society

Along with some friends, we went to hear Clive Bettingdon of the JEECS introduce a new film about the Jewish east end.  The film reminded the packed audience what the Jews of the east end had accomplished and was a sad reminder of how this wonderful community had almost vanished. 
Clive Bettingdon, although not a Jew, is a passionate devotee of these amazing people and all they accomplished. He leads superb tours of the area and has an acerbic wit- not merely just following scripts that most people know
If you are interested in the east end- consider joining the JEECS.  If  we do not take an interest we will find the history of the area changed to suit the aspirations of the present inhabitants. It was interesting to note that in the packed audience that watched the film, none were from the bengali community- it's a real shame at a time when cultural signposts and all sorts of tat are being scattered around the borough.  Goats in Spitalfields and arches in Brick Lane come to mind!

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