Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Thomas Struth german photographer

This photo was taken by Struth and is part of the exhibition at Whitechapel. Today was locals day and we got in for free to see this and loads of other fabulous photos. There was a film too with the curator and Struth but you should only watch that if you want to come off sleeping tablets. But I will attach the link and decide for yourself anywayhttp://www.whitechapelgallery.org/exhibitions/thomas-struth-photographs-1978-2010

Friday, 26 August 2011

Treasures of Heaven


We did not enjoy this as much as I thought.  Mostly various containers of all kinds, gaudily coloured and covered with jewels or shaped like the relic they contained. For example a carved head would contain the head of a saint. Too much of the same sort of thing. These items should be seen in the theatre of a church, with the drama of a service and music and ceremony around them. They just looked like a jewellers window in the museum. We went on Monday which has concessions on Monday afternoon for £6

Treasures of Heaven


We did not enjoy this as much as I thought.  Mostly various containers of all kinds, gaudily coloured and covered with jewels or shaped like the relic they contained. For example a carved head would contain the head of a saint. Too much of the same sort of thing. These items should be seen in the theatre of a church, with the drama of a service and music and ceremony around them. They just looked like a jewellers window in the museum. We went on Monday which has concessions on Monday afternoon for £6

Film- Planet of the Apes 2011

I just love these films but find them very disturbing.  We remained faithful to Genesis which is still only £3.50 concessions anytime and any film.
Sat there in an almost empty auditorium- Ramadan means far fewer east end asians out and about.   Just a very heavily tattooed junkie in the auditorium who kept jumping up and down- rather like Caesar  the monkey hero in fact.  Lots of meaningless chases in the film but the usual twist in then end.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Dr David Starkey


Why do people vilify others when it is just easiest to say ' I just disagree'.   Why should people who have not one original thought in their body seek to silence Dr Starkey?

Monday, 15 August 2011

Sing-a-long a sound of music

The nuns arrive

I always wanted to go. John came too- he always sings through west end  musicals and I have to keep nudging him.  This time he was encouraged to sing- and he didn't that much

The 'Riots'

They hardly touched Brick Lane but the looting centred on Bethnal Green Road where the more ordinary, poorer people live.

Many of the shops were boarded up in preperation for the trouble.  But as this is Brick Lane (Home of the self obsessed) the boarding up was not the usual:

A Moroccan Feast

Joe and Leila prepared a feast for us- after their visit to Marrakesh- a tiny hotel with just a few bedrooms- they were treated like royalty- well, he is my prince


Sunday, 7 August 2011


Loved this film we saw with the Suffolk kids. Beautiful, charming, whimsical, anti-materialistic.
The area round the Picture House and Stratford Theatre Royal is though a dump. In the shadow of the Olympic park it's a miserable little place with benches and bins lined up

Fun day for Quiz League of London


This was a brilliant event with great food at a friendly pub.  Our esteemed leader is on the left and Adam and friends experienced their first day of quizzing

Pat and the Suffolk kids


We helped host 4 children for the brilliant summer university- they spent a week in the park kayaking and BMX riding. It's free and anyone from any part of the UK can join in