Sunday, 25 July 2010

The Mosque open its doors.

The pictures show the dome in the main prayer hall and one of the viewing galleries.
We met some lovely people and had a great welcome- as I am sure you would expect at this open afternoon- BUT as our host stressed the mercy of Allah I was just thinking of the poor young woman facing being stoned to death in Iran. And his talk of tolerance of other religions is just not true. This was my second visit to the Mosque- many years ago I visited- I was struck how functional and plain it was inside.

New Ice Cream Parlour on Brick Lane

This is our new shop- its towards the Aldgate end of Brick Lane- on the side opposite the mosque and school.
We went back there today for their delicious, generous portion size ice cream. It's about £1.50 for a huge scoop and they sell milk shakes and indian sweets.
Needless to say when we returned the lovely chairs seen here outside the shop had been taken inside- Tower Hamlets Council had banned them from the pavement- they now have to apply for a licence which will cost money. I knew this was too good to be true- to be able to sit outside for such a small cost was too much for the council to bear

Monday, 19 July 2010

Toy Story 3

You just have to see this. Not schmaltzy- but intelligent and sensitive. Brilliant!

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Cousin Linda

Linda is here for a few days.
I will leave it to the reader to guess which one is Linda.
The picture was taken in Spitalfields antique market

Lush 'exhibition' about perfumes

This was such a fun time. Lush products were explaining their new perfumes and how they were developed. The basement of Shoreditch Town Hall was turned into a labyrinth of sets where the people from Lush explained the stories of each perfume.
The picture shows Heather, so friendly and beautiful- she looked like she had emerged from a film set, well she told us the story of her perfume 'The Hairdressers Husband' and how it inspired the fragrance named after the film.
The dancer showed us the Taca Taca dance and the story of the perfume- named of course ....
This was one of the most imaginative intelligent exhibitions I have ever seen. Needless to say a few quid was spent at the inevitable shop at the end... but the show was free and was actually worth charging for. So try to see it- it closes on Sunday

Friday, 9 July 2010

Visual Arts | Christ Church Spitalfields

Visual Arts Christ Church Spitalfields: "Triptych Reredos by Rebecca Hind - The first exhibition in the Christ Church reredos"

art exhibition

This is Anne's first sketching- executed as part of her beginner's drawing course at Departure in Limehouse.

This was a church, now part chapel, bookshop, cafe, art gallery. I found it very cheerful, friendly and reasonably priced re food and drinks. Drinks were brought to the table and cakes were not thrown at you grudgingly- as is the case in some so called 'community cafes'

Every week they also have a free film show- anyone can come and see slightly unusual films. Next week it's 'The Birds'

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

'Whatever Works'

This was one of the best films I have ever seen- enjoyable and witty- profound in its way and great performances -especially from Larry David. I had got tired of him on TV but love him in this
Genesis is our favourite cinema. Independent, non pretentious- cheap (concessions £3 at all times) -well worth supporting in comparison to snooty Rich Mix.
PS Don't bring your own snacks/drinks. Its forbidden but you can buy their own rather overpriced stuff there- it helps to keep the ticket prices low

Friday, 2 July 2010

London pictures- an art exhibition

I really liked this small exhibition of paintings about London. Its free, small (only a few paintings) and the styles are varied.
These pictures are priced around £800